Hold a Fundraiser

Holding a Fundraiser Where Brother Benno's is the Beneficiary

You can raise funds to support our mission and help provide services and programs for those who are most vulnerable in our community. We welcome third party events that support our vital mission.

Why raise funds for Brother Benno’s?

Brother Benno’s is a nondenominational 501(c)(3) charity committed to serving the poor and unsheltered in North San Diego County.

We uplift the dignity of those we serve by offering hot meals, food, and clothing as well as a variety of other services, including a 26-week drug and alcohol recovery program inspired by Alcoholics Anonymous.

The Brother Benno Foundation works with the most vulnerable in North County and our services are only possible through fundraising efforts, volunteerism, and donations from our community.

Need some inspiration?

  • Types of Fundraisers

    The possibilities are endless.
    Dream big!

  • Contact Us

    (760) 439-1244

  • Guidelines

    We are happy to review your fundraising idea and provide you with suggestions. For endorsement or partnership, complete and submit our Fundraising Partnership Proposal.

Organize a Charity Garage Sale

Encourage friends, family, and neighbors to donate items they no longer need, then hold a garage sale with the proceeds benefiting Brother Benno’s.

Run a Pet Walk

Organize a pet-themed event where participants can bring their pets for a walk or enter them into a friendly competition. Charge a registration fee and offer pet-related prizes.

Plan a Community Cleanup

Rally volunteers to participate in a community cleanup day. Encourage participants to seek pledges  for each bag of trash collected, with the funds going to Brother Benno’s.

Host a Food, Wine, or Beer Tasting

Partner with a local restaurant, a winery or brewery to host a tasting event. Sell tickets for participants to sample different foods and beverages and arrange for a portion of sales to go towards Brother Benno’s.

Organize a Fitness Challenge

Launch a fitness challenge, such as a month-long step count challenge, yoga marathon, or cycling event. Participants can gather sponsorships for their physical activities, with funds raised going to Brother Benno’s.

In lieu of a gift or flowers

Ask for a donation instead of a gift. This is great for celebrating birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. Instead of flowers, honor a loved one’s memory by a donation to Brother Benno’s.

Get creative. Get silly. Think outside the box! There are endless possibilities! 

Remember to consider who you want to participate in your event, your available resources, and the interests of our community when selecting a fundraising idea. Engaging and involving others in your fundraising event will help maximize the impact of your efforts.

How we can help

First, make certain your fundraising idea is the “right fit” with Brother Benno’s mission and values. Second, contact us. We are happy to review your fundraising idea and provide you with suggestions.

If you would like an endorsement or partnership with The Brother Benno Foundation, please submit a Fundraising Partnership Proposal.

Following receipt of your proposal, we will contact you to discuss your fundraising event's affiliation with The Brother Benno Foundation.

If you have questions about hosting a fundraiser for The Brother Benno Foundation, please send your questions to us at info@brotherbenno.org.






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