The Mission Statement
The mission statement of the Brother Benno Foundation is that it is our purpose or mission is to carry on the ministry of Brother Benno by living out the gospel according to Matthew 25:31-45* with love and compassion.
To feed the hungry!
To give drink to the thirsty!
To shelter the homeless!
To clothe the naked!
To comfort the sick and also to support people recovering from addiction!
We place our foundation in God’s hands and rely on his divine providence to provide the people and the where-with-all to accomplish our mission.
*modified from the original

Watch our video to learn more about the heart of Brother Benno's!
How We Are Different
Brother Benno’s is committed to operating with a very minimum amount of paid staff to accomplish our Mission and to enlist the greatest number of volunteers to help with the same goal.
Our Board of Directors is a “working” board and receives no compensation. Fund raising is carried out by our volunteers, grant writers and our generous donors, therefore your donations to Brother Benno’s are not eroded by overhead, administrative, and fundraising costs.
Volunteers and program members play a key a role. Each month, over 200 individuals offer their time to carry out important jobs in accomplishing our mission. Over 90% of our funding comes from private donations, grants, and bequests. Our intention is never to rely on government funding to accomplish our mission.
Brother Benno’s wide base of support within the community continues to grow year after year. We are grateful to the thousands of people who express their support of our work with donations of food, clothes, thrift shop items, time and labor, and of course financial contributions. Without them we would cease to exist.