Support Services & Aid

Community Outreach Services are available:

Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (By Appointment Only)

(The Center is closed New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. Services, other than the holiday meal, are not available Thanksgiving or Christmas Day.)

Community Outreach Services

Our “Hub Center” provides a central location for a variety of county and other service agencies to connect individuals with needed services.

Our Community Outreach Services staff and volunteers meet with homeless and extremely low-income persons to assist them with qualifying for shelter options, applying for financial aid from government and non-profit organizations, enrollment in substance abuse recovery programs, obtaining medical and mental health care, preventing eviction and/or loss of utilities, entering domestic abuse protective programs and receiving other social services (subject to available funds).

Brother Benno’s outreach team combines efforts with partners from government agencies and other non-profit organizations. This includes San Diego County’s Department of Homeless Solutions & Equitable Communities (HSEC) homeless services team. The HSEC homeless services team includes case managers, licensed clinical social workers, and benefits specialists.

Community Outreach Manager:
Darryl Harris
Office phone: (760) 231-1652

Community Outreach Coordinator:
Dennis Pinnick
Office phone: (760) 231-1657

Support Services at Brother Benno's

Specific Services Offered

Emergency financial rental and utility assistance to aid extremely low-income residents at risk of eviction and/or at risk of utility shutdown (Subject to available funding).  

Please call the Outreach Manager at (760) 231–1652 to review qualifications for assistance and to understand the required documents needed to be included in an application for assistance. 

Under a partnership with non-profit TrueCare Mobile Health Services, a TrueCare mobile clinic visits Brother Benno’s Oceanside facility each Monday morning with medical and dental staffs to serve the needs of homeless persons.  Appointments are required.

Assistance is provided for the replacement of personal papers such as IDs (e.g. California Identification Cards) and birth certificates.

Bus passes may be provided on a case-by-case basis for such purposes that include: medical appointments, visits to government offices to apply for financial or medical aid, job interviews, and relocation of persons back to their families.

We assist veterans and active military members with referrals, information about other services, and transportation to medical and other appointments.

Vaccinations and booster shots (e.g., COVID and flu vaccinations/booster shots) are periodically scheduled at the Center.


Currently, we have no vaccinations or boosters scheduled. 

  • Brother Benno's Center

    3260 Production Avenue
    Oceanside, CA 92058

  • Community Outreach Services Hours of Operation

    By Appointment Only
    Monday – Friday
    8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

  • Phone

    (760) 439-1244

  • Eligibility

    Homeless and extremely low-income families with children, senior citizens, and disabled individuals

Sherry H.

"I would like to take a minute and say that Brother Bennos saved my life.
The support they offer, (not just the poor and homeless) but the broken and scared as well...
I have nothing but love and gratitude from the bottom of my heart for BROTHER BENNOS.."

Krissy H

"Brother Bennos is amazing and is the foundation of where we are today...well GOD 1st....but if not for Bennos I don't know what our lives would have been like when we were homeless. Today I have 2 part time jobs and LU (my partner) just got a f/t job last week! WE ARE FOREVER GRATEFUL TO BENNOS for their help and support!!!♥️♥️♥️"

Mustafa S.

"Brother Benno's Foundation provides the necessary nudge for people to survive difficult life stages. The foundation turns a lot of negative net externalities to society to a positive one. Wonderful people work and volunteer there as well."

Rochelle D.

"I needed some rental assistance and Darryl was able to save the day! The staff here is so kind and caring. Everyone I met came from a different background but were all so nice. Brother Bennos has a lot of resources for the community! I highly recommend them!!!! Thank God for Brother Bennos!!!!"

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